26 AUG 2024 by ideonexus
Marketplace of Ideas in COVID Responses
One way of gauging the current diversity of cultures is to consider the range of responses countries made to the COVID-19 pandemic.120 There was, of course, some diversity, from the ultrastrict lockdowns in China to the more moderate response in Sweden. But the range of responses was far more limited than it could have been. For example, both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines were designed by mid-January 2020 over the course of a few days.121 Not a single country allowed human chal...Folksonomies: marketplace of ideas
Folksonomies: marketplace of ideas
30 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Capitalist Peace
Such findings have led some political scientists to entertain a heretical idea called the Capitalist Peace.243 The word liberal in Liberal Peace refers both to the political openness of democracy and to the economic openness of capitalism, and according to the Capitalist Peace heresy, it’s the economic openness that does most of the pacifying. In arguments that are sure to leave leftists speechless, advocates claim that many of Kant’s arguments about democracy apply just as well to capita...Folksonomies: capitalism peace
Folksonomies: capitalism peace
11 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Conservatives Reject Inconvenient Facts
Personally, I find that the most objectionable feature of the conservative attitude is its propensity to reject well-substantiated new knowledge because it dislikes some of the consequences which seem to follow from it – or, to put it bluntly, its obscurantism. I will not deny that scientists as much as others are given to fads and fashions and that we have much reason to be cautious in accepting the conclusions that they draw from their latest theories. But the reasons for our reluctance m...A classical liberal and free market capitalist explains that he cannot be a conservative because they reject facts that disagree with their worldview such as evolution.
03 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Cooperation VS Capitalism
Finding the right balance between cooperation and competition has been the goal and bane of Western politics for centuries. Adam Smith recognized that the economic needs of the individual are better met by unleashing the ambitions of all individuals than by planning to meet those needs in advance. But even Adam Smith could not claim that free markets produce Utopia. Even the most libertarian politician today believes in the need to regulate, oversee, and tax the efforts of ambitious individua...Human intelligence has yet to design a society where free competition among the members works for the good of the whole.